Friday 19 August 2011

Sunsets are beautiful

So to start off I should probably mention that I live in a little town in the Lake District, one of the most beautiful places in the world (in my opinion, but maybe I'm just biased...) and I have a very lovely border collie that needs lots of walking!

So yesterday I was walking a fairly usual route through the park and then I thought I would go up the hill (it's not really a hill...more like a mound and you can get up it in about 3 minutes) opposite where I was baptized in the river, somewhere that is very special to me and very beautiful, especially at sunset. I was just standing on the top of this hill and I could just see these incredible views all around me, i could see the river, the trees, then further off I could see a few of the fells and I was just drinking it all in as the sky just became more and more beautiful around me. For someone who needs green a lot and just spent the past year living in concrete Coventry it was just amazing, and so quiet and peaceful. I love the sky so much, it always amazes me, especially when I'm in Coventry, it's just like God is saying to me "hey, I'm still here, I still made all this for you and now I'm going to carry on presenting you with this incredible display of colours, clouds, sunsets, sunrises, rain and lightning. And I'm going to paint it right above you, so not even the biggest buildings can quite block it out, you can always see the sky." It just feels like this incredible gift to me, it's the most fantastic display of creation I can think of, things on the earth, mountains, streams, plants, and even living things, humans can try and replicate them and are sometimes successful and sometimes fail. But the sky is on a whole other plane, I don't think anything we can make can ever compare to anything as beautiful and continuous as the sky.

But my doggy was starting to get a bit impatient at the top of this hill, although she'd been really good up til then, sitting quietly by my feet, I am certain she can sense moods! So we started our way home, this is a route that I have walked for about 10 years, my house is on the west of the town so I was just walking into this incredible sky of colour and light, oranges, reds, pinks, purples, blues and yellows all tinting the clouds and the sky. And then it just hit me, this is exactly what walking closer with daddygod is like, as we get closer and closer to him everything just becomes more and more beautiful and filled with colour and peace, until eventually we're just part of that beautiful landscape. It was one of those moments that I just wanted to capture in my mind and share, it was perhaps an insignificant moment and yet it was a really significant to me. It was like I was hit afresh with what an amazing daddy we truly have, He's just so beautiful and loving and powerful all at once, there are just no words to describe how truly awesome He is. I just want to curl up on His lap and spend time with Him, in worship or just chatting through my day, my hopes, my silly worries and just soak up His presence.

This is the view I saw on my way home, it doesn't really do it justice but it's trying!

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