Friday, 9 December 2011
Healing Testimonies (30/10/11)
The first woman had crutches and bad ankles, but also had a sore right shoulder! So we prayed with her and her pain mostly went away, which was amazing! Another woman had a sore ankles and I think she got partially healed too! A third woman had a tight shoulder, and after praying, her shoulder immediately loosened up! How incredible!
So I guess this is the start of something new that we're all excited about! I'm just so honoured to see some of the healings! If you have any comments or questions, please leave them below!
It's been a while...
It's been a long while since anyone has posted, but that's mainly because we've all been busy with our different things... But we will be posting many things soon! Just a few things that have been going on in the background include Ed getting married (WOO!) & me and PJ's collective album being released on itunes: (Click here to see more)
So much more to come soon!
PS. If you've been following, and you want to get involved, contact one of us please or leave a comment!
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Glory and Joy
(Psalm 16:8-9, 11)
"When the Lord is before him (David) and at his right hand, his "glory rejoices." The word translated as "rejoice" also means "tremble." This makes me think of a tuning fork that vibrates when its note is sounded. When God is before us, when we are close to Him, we resonate with the same sound that is God. We rejoice in His presence, for in His "presence is fullness of joy." Our glory rejoices - the substance that we share with God is expressed in the intimacy and exchange of being with Him as Father and children, and that expression is joy."
Paul Manwaring, What on Earth is Glory? (P.62)
I started reading What on Earth is Glory? a couple of days ago and then this morning I came to this passage and I was just so overwhelmed and amazed by it that I just wanted to share it. The idea that in the presence of our Daddygod we just can't help but rejoice and tremble in His presence is just incredible.
When you think about all the brokenness, hurt and betrayal in this world that we are exposed to on a daily basis and then you contrast that with this Father that when you're with Him just envelops you in Love and Joy it just takes my breath away.
David writes that he has "set the Lord continually before me," from that he is able to say with complete confidence that "he will not be shaken," when we have God set right before us we have no reason to ever doubt, worry, or fear again, whatever the world can throw us our God is Bigger, Stronger and He will never, ever, ever leave us. His overwhelming, all-consuming love for us means that He will always be there. When we have this mindset we are then free from the constraints of this world, we are free to rejoice in our Father, to rest in His presence and be daily overwhelmed by His joy.
I love the image that Paul Manwaring gives of us, as tuning forks, so that when we can feel the presence of God we can't help but be filled with His joy. This makes me ask the question, how can I be more tuned into His presence? How can I fine-tune myself so that I can have more of this joy and feel more of His presence?
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Garden - Misty Edwards
It's You and me alone God You and me alone
Here it's You and me alone God You and me alone
You've hedged me in with skin all around me
I'm a garden enclosed a locked garden
Life takes place behind the face
So come into Your garden
Come into Your garden
Here O Lord! Have I prepared a place for You!
I'm no longer my own I'm Your garden
I don't want to wasted my time living on the outside
I'm going to live from the inside out
I don't want to waste my life living on the outside
I'm going to live from the inside out
They say there are 1000 words in a picture and 1000 pictures in a word. This is definitely true of this song - each phrase with enormous depth and significance - almost as if there are worlds to be explored and gifts to be opened in every line. It is a wonderful picture of intimacy with God, inspired by Song Of Songs; our relationship is described as a garden, even that we are the garden, His garden. The song starts with lines of poetry. The whole song is infused with life, and the video attached to this is perfectly suited to the song, as if it is the song in visual form!
The music is atmospheric and enchanting, with beautiful electric guitar work, vocal meoldies and atmospherics with a clean, liquid feel. What I love is the sense of treasure that we are as God's possession and masterpiece, made in His image. We are gifts unwrapped and we can give ourselves to Him to unwrap us.
Above everything else - Rend Collective Experiment
You rule over distant seas over every part of me
You raise the day from night and the song inside of me
You watch all the planets spin and my eyelids flickering
Beyond everything else You are, You are
Above everything else You are
Greater than life itself
More precious than perfect health
Finer than friendship or romance
More needed than oxygen
More pleasing than thrill or fame
Stronger than death or gravity
You speak and the waves obey, but You whisper peace to me
You hold the skies in their place and my past and destiny
You reign over war-torn lands, over famine, fear and kings
King Jesus You are victorious, You are
King Jesus You are victorious
The whole song is packed with gems. While some of the lyrics sound strange on execution, the themes echoed out resonate deeply with the heart of a worshipper. In this song, the supremacy of God is not just an abstract idea but brought right home to every aspect of our lives and who we are. Complemented by driving yet contemplative music (you have to hear it) this song is bursting with passion and delight in the infinite.
However, what really does it for me is the last section, 4 minutes into the song, when the music drops down and builds powerfully with the lyrics, "King Jesus You are victorious, You are King Jesus You are victorious". Sung by a choir of children. The power and anointing in this final 2 minutes of the song bursts through. There is nothing quite so beautiful and pure as children singing of the power of their creator.
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Your victories are my victories
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Conflict in church (five-fold bashing)
Friday, 21 October 2011
Life Shapes: Pentagon part 2
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Life Shapes: Pentagon part 1
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Breaking the Chains
"Lord... I just praise you tonight because, Father, it's... it's like a yes or no. Whether that we can see our lives, whether we can see a freedom, Lord. A lightness, a brightness. And Lord, for any here that just don't recognise that there is light, and there is dark. And there is pain and there is suffering, there is depression and there is fear and there is... hopelessness, but there is goodness, there is truth, and there is life and there is joy: abundant and free. God, help us see that's you, that the light is you... that you're interested... you're interested in breaking us free... that you're interested in seeing your light come, right here and right now. That's what you're about Jesus, and help us be about the same thing. Help us be about the same thing. We wanna rise up with you God, we wanna be about the things you're about. We wanna be about life."
There were many things that challenged me in this prayer. The first big thing being whether I myself can see freedom in my life. What is freedom? Freedom in Christ used to always seem like a big paradox to me, as when I was younger, I believed we were never really free with so many rules to follow. I was wrong. Freedom in Christ, means we are free from that guilt and condemnation, that sometimes we may feel when we sin. I'm not saying that its okay to not care whether you sin or not, rather to let it go completely to God so He can restore you to your identity in Christ. When Jesus died, He took all of our sin, and covered us with grace.
The second thing that challenged me was the contrast of light and dark. So often we can wind up thinking about all the bad things in life like pain, suffering, depression, fear and hopelessness. I know I've experienced many of these things within my life, and I ended up in a cycle focusing on negative without any positive. I can tell you now, that isn't a healthy place to be, regardless whether you have faith or not. Fortunately, I had a few good friends help me pull through, and they helped by reminding about the goodness in life. And if you're in that vicious cycle now, send me a message and I'll be open to chat and to pray for you, because I know there is so much good out there.
The last thing got me is that God is interested in us. Just WOW. It blows my mind every time I think about it. God, who created EVERYTHING, is interested in me. And it's the same for you too. Whether you want to believe it or not, God is interested in you and how you feel! That's just incredible, right?
I want to end with Will Reagan's final line. "We wanna be about life." I want to be about that freedom, that joy, and about that goodness, and to spread it everywhere. What do you want to be about?
Being Made Right
One of the things I had to do as part of the first few weeks of FORM, the discipleship and leadership course I've just started, was to tell the others in the group about the story of my life. This has got me thinking a lot about the journey I’ve been on over the last few years, and some of the changes I’ve seen in myself, especially in the ways I think about God.
This is one of the biggest changes I could think of: I used to think that if I was sorry enough for every single thing I ever did wrong, then God would see my sorry-ness and decide that he would forgive me for them. Obviously, having my sins forgiven was great, but there was still lots to worry about: what if I forgot about some particular sin and forgot to apologise for it? Or even worse, what if I sinned without realising? Then I’d have no chance of being forgiven! Or even if I did remember, I might not be quite sorry enough to please God… As you can imagine, this wasn’t a particularly nice way to be feeling, with a general sense of worry and uneasiness about what I may or may not have done wrong, and a slightly panicked and frantic check of my conscience every time we got to confession in church services.
But now God has shown us a way to be made right with him without keeping the requirements of the law, as was promised in the writings of Moses and the prophets long ago
Romans 3.21
I think this verse gets at what was wrong with my old ideas, and the overwhelming better-ness of God’s plan than I had imagined. God didn’t just want to blot out my sins one by one, as they came along, and he definitely didn’t want me to have to grovel to his to do even that! Jesus paid for all all the darkness in the world to be taken away through his one act of sacrifice, and that includes every time I’m ever going to mess up. Completely covered over, and not to be worried about again.
But much more than that, God wants me to be right with him. It’s like the difference in court between being found guilty but then let off with a pardon, and being declared to be not guilty - in the right – in the first place. But this is not just a verdict that means I don’t have to be punished. It means I can be counted as an adopted son of God himself, and the recipient of everything in his Kingdom that he has to give me. Which is just about the most exciting thing ever…
Monday, 3 October 2011
Life Shapes: Triangle
Luke 6:12-17
The triangle life shape is all about the importance of living balanced lives. In this short passage from Luke Jesus demonstrates to us the three different types of relationship and the necessity of each one. We refer to them as "Up" (our relationship with God), "In" (our relationships with each other) and "Out" (our relationships with people that don't know Jesus yet).
First of all, Jesus prays to Our Heavenly Father, this relationship is so important to cultivate, by worship, prayer and just chatting to God.
Secondly, Jesus gathers his disciples to him, relationships with other followers of Jesus are equally vital. Gathering together to support and love one another should never be underrated, without the encouragement and prayers of others we would struggle. Ephesians 4:16 (NLT) expresses this far better than I can:
"He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love."
Thirdly, the people gathered to Jesus, he taught and healed them, these people did not yet know the love of God. It is our God-given mission to show them that love, if we seclude ourselves from society then how can people meet with Jesus? Relationships with people that don't currently have God in their lives are so important.
Put simply, our relationship with God should feed our relationship with each other, which in turn should help us go out and talk about Jesus to people who don't know him yet.
Without one of these types of relationships the other two would suffer, we need to have all three. For example, if we neglect "Up" then we won't be able to support other followers of Jesus because we'll be missing that supernatural input, our "Out" will also suffer, without fuel our fire for God could die right down and not be visible to others.
Does your life include all of these relationships? Do you give enough time into each of these 3 areas? Just take a moment now to reflect on this and ask God how you can better balance these important aspects of your life.
The "Called" and the "Chosen"
What does it mean to be called, and what does it mean to be chosen? And if many are called, why are only a few chosen? And if I am called, how do I become chosen? These were just a few of the questions running through my mind when I first encountered this passage, during my high school years. Similarly to many people I knew, I didn't really understand it too well...
Recently, I went to a Jesus Culture conference in London with a few friends, and God's presence was really tangelable. The air was so thick. The guy speaking at the conference was called Banning, and he unpacked it really well.
"Many are called, but few are chosen." What was it about certain people that God not only called them, but also chose them? And surely everyone that is called should be chosen? To understand this, we should read it again, in the context of the passage.
The rest of passage is about a king, who sends out many invitations to friends to a wedding, however all of them reply that they are busy. After receiving the replies, the king then sends out another batch of invitations to others. Most of them say no, but a few say yes. And in effect, that's the king saying I choose you. So can it really be as simple as saying "yes"?
Well actually, yes! As illustrated in the story, many were called, but none were chosen as they had said no. In reality, I believe God has called each and every single one of you, to do a job that nobody else can ever do. The question is, are you willing to saying yes? I'm not talking about "yes, but..." or "yes, if only..." but a yes without a get out clause. Living in your real identity, that God has called you to be.
So do you want to be chosen, or just called? I'll let you decide.
Thursday, 29 September 2011
How do you hear God's voice? - part 3
Seventh, having said all that, it is important to remember there is always more. Yes, don't be jealous of other people's relationship with God. But don't shut yourself off from growth. Allow others to challenge you to pursue God more fervently. Encourage those feelings within you that desire more of God, as this is perfectly natural. On the one hand, God is a God of peace and fulfilment. On the other, He is a God of adventure and sacrifice. If we do not desire more of God, I suggest we have become distracted or set our sights too low. The point is that we want more of Him and His voice not because we're disappointed that He's not doing enough for us, but that we are so overwhelmed by a glimpse of Him that we are desperate for more. When faced with infinite and pure love, it is natural to be so satisfied. Yet it is also natural to want to go deeper.
How do you hear God's voice? - part 2
Fourth, I believe that we need to look for God's voice. It is true that we shouldn't try to muster up God's voice - He speaks to us. But often He speaks in such a way that requires us to open our "eyes" wider to find His voice, and to give Him the benefit of the doubt. It can sometimes feel embarrassing to say "God told me this", or "God spoke to me", thinking that we'd prefer to believe exclusively in a natural explanation for everything, unless it's miraculous. But I think we should expect Him to be speaking to us, and desire to hear His voice (not out of duty or jealousy of others), but simply because we want to hear Him speak.
Fifth, don't wait around. Use what's in front of you. If you've been asking God what steps to take, and He doesn't seem to be responding, that could mean simply carry on what you're doing. Sometimes we need to see our lives with fresh perspective - to see what's around us and the possibilities and opportunities. And ask questions. Of course, I'm not advocating a purely strategic approach here. Remember that the Proverb compels us not to "depend on your own understanding". However, there are other parts of the Bible which encourage us to use wisdom (especially throughout Proverbs). Just don't depend on human strategy. Be prepared to take risks. Give yourself. The Christian life requires that you give all and don't hold back. Be prepared to do things that don't seem logical. But at the same time don't be afraid to follow your instincts. There's no formula for this one. Sorry.
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
How do you hear God's voice? - part 1
The first point is this. Some people say you can't know what God wants. You just have to get on and live. My question is - is this idea genuine, or is it due to trying to hear, failing and feeling disappointed? It is very dangerous to build a theology based on disappointment or lack of experience. Proverbs 3:5-6 says "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take". Jesus says in John 10:27 "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me". It is clear that hearing God should be part of the normal Christian life. So why do we find that it often isn't?
It sounds obvious but the more we know God, the more we can hear His voice. That's not to say those who know Him well don't go through periods where He doesn't speak much. But sometimes we can treat God as if He's a stranger that we're trying to get answers out of. Some of the questions we have might actually be answered if we knew Him better, rather than Him just telling us the answer. The greatest joy for us is to know Him. Those who have experienced just a glimpse of Him will never be the same, never want to go back, as they have tasted something far greater than anything in this world. Knowing God is a glorious journey, and that alone will shape our entire lives, even without Him telling us some information. It is also important to note that how we see God will affect what we hear from Him. If we see Him as a nit-picker, we will always hear "you're not good enough". So it is very important to know God for who He is.
A forest
Near where I live at home there is a forest. Probably very few people have covered its vast area and know it intimately. It’s a place that I like to go for walks, spending time with God and soaking up the surroundings. After all, what better place is there to have heart-to-heart with God, than the very turf that He thought up and spoke into being? I find myself at home among the wildness and yet warm invitingness of the place. Perhaps it’s partly the fact that both the forest and I were God’s idea. Each time I go I find new scenes; sometimes places I’ve been before feel new also, but many times I end up in a completely new area.
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Top Priority
I hope this helps you on the way to living out in actions what you claim to believe in with your words :)
Thursday, 22 September 2011
An ancient prayer
So, I came across this ancient prayer, a prayer to the Holy Spirit. Sometimes in our modern world and convenient "accessible" modern church we forget the mystery and wonder of our supernatural God and the connection we have with Him. Sometimes we forget the Spirit and reduce Him to being mentioned in prayer, forgetting that He's also God. It's easy to imagine the Father and Jesus, but the Holy do you picture Him? I hope this prayer will inspire you to worship the Spirit as God also.
Come, life eternal.
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Hitting The Wall...
So for those of you who haven't watched it (you should definitely watch it!), its about a guy who always gives up, but then decides to participate in a marathon... About midway through the film, Simon Pegg's character receives some advice about running from his opponent:
"I'm talking about discipline and perseverance. And all cute little comments aside... there comes a point in every race... it could be the fifth mile, it could be the twenty fifth... but, eventually, you're gonna hit... what runners like to call "the wall." And when you won't be able to breathe or think or even move. All you're gonna wanna do is give up." Whit - Run, Fatboy, Run (Warner Bros. 2007)
After hearing this quote, it kind of provoked me into thinking about God, and actually how similar running is to living a life of faith. You can live for God every day, and it doesn't matter how long you've been a Christian, but at some point, you'll probably hit the wall, and just as above quote mentions "you won't be able to breathe or think or even move. All you wanna do is give up." And a lot of people take the easy way out and give up, but what would happen if they didn't?
Throughout my life, I've hit so many walls, and at times, I literally couldn't move on. Walls can be made up of disappointment, hurt, pain and frustration, just to name a few. It isn't easy, but I would like to encourage you all to carry on because the rewards are just so good. I promise you all that it's worth it.
So, what do you do when you hit the wall? Do you give up, or carry on? I know what I'd do.
Friday, 16 September 2011
How do you approach life?
Jon Foreman
After I read that powerful quote, I just wanted share it. It made me realise how often I can be at either end of looking at life, and I guess it isn't healthy to neglect one of the world views. So I guess my question is:
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Album preview: [Unreleased album] - Opaque Nature
The album begins with Fire, which starts with a catchy guitar hook. The song builds into a beautiful melody with lyrics that challenge us to give ourselves in love - "Will you say when you're asked, Will you say I gave my heart?"
The next track, Mixing The Colours, is a lovely song about the beauty of relationships and the God who is the author of relationship and love. There are rich vocal harmonies along with heartfelt guitar and piano hooks which create a great sense of homely intimacy.
The Mourning is an ingenious track with the one-liner, "I was a ghost for a while, but I turned out to be a man". The song is about transformation, with each lyric echoing the realities of the transformations which happen in our lives. The middle part of the song is a journey through the mess of our lives and struggle to be free, bringing back memories of a darker past.
Their last track, Seaside, is soft song filled full of love and innocence. It manages to capture the emotion of a good experience, and shrink it into a six minute long clip. Just as the song reaches a climax, it transitions into a dream-like melody, while Mike Knight's vocals slowly echo the beautiful lyrics "...watching love grow...forever..."
To me, nothing sums up the songs of Opaque Nature like the lyric "Sunshine, there is more than meets the eye" from Mixing The Colours. The songs show me the world around me more clearly, taking me by the hand to show me something that's been there but I've never seen before.
So guys, if you haven't checked them out already click below for their facebook fan page, which has all of their tracks (which are all available to download for free!)
Life Shapes: Semi-Circle
At this point, we will probably start to wonder... "what have I done wrong?" and "God has let me down..." I know in the past I have. However, there is another way to look at it. Instead of thinking of it as a bad thing, think of it as a prompt to spend abide in God. As you begin to rest in God, the cycle starts again, and you will start to grow again.
It is so important to understand this rhythm of life, in order to grow more, and to see an increase in fruit.
Album review: Hello Hurricane - Switchfoot
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Compelled By Love - Heidi Baker
Who are you?
Who are you?
I mean it's easy to say that you're a human being, state what sex you are, to answer what your name is, and even talk about your heritage... but that still doesn't answer the question. You can start discussing your genetic make up, the chemicals that compose your body, but that starts to delve into what you are, not who.
So we can talk about our jobs, our personality, our habits, but it kinda still doesn't cut the mustard for me. This is just the person I am now. Is this who you really are?
With a world that is always changing, the only thing that seems constant in my life is God. And well, He's known every single one of us, from even before we were born. So I guess if you don't know who you are, why not start by asking Daddy God?
Monday, 12 September 2011
Album review: Church Music - David Crowder Band
"There tends to be a sparseness of production. There are only four or five elements that make up a track. That encourages it to be a disposable thing. Your ear can understand and get to the bottom of what’s happening really quickly, so the thing gets chewed up and spit out... So [the composers] started thinking, 'What’s going to be fun to discover on the 4th or 5th listen?' That’s what we tried to do. We did a lot of layering, and hopefully things can be discovered on repeated listens." - David CrowderAnd that's exactly what they did. Musically, this record pushes the boundaries and goes further than much modern worship music. The title track Church Music, is in fact a dance track! Not only that, there is a wide range of styles, from rock, dance, electronic and pop and many fused together. You wouldn't for example, expect an electric guitar solo in an electronic dance track. But that's what we have here!
"Dance if you're woundedand the poetic We Are Loved,:
Dance if you're torn into
Dance broken open
Dance with nothing to lose"
"Velvet black nightthe lyrics on this album rise far above much of what is written about God, us and His world.
Pierced with white
Stars waiting quiet
Wide listening sky"
Am I not good enough?
"Yeah, that's all well saying that Jon, but I've sinned. I deserve punishment. I don't deserve God. I can't be a Christian, I sin too much..."
So hey man, chill. Yeah, you don't, but neither do I. Or the next guy along. Or that girl who always goes to church. Or that pastor. Or that church leader. But that's the beauty of mercy. Getting what we don't deserve.
"But Romans 6 says the wages of sin is death..."
Correct, but we also have a loving God. When Jesus died on that cross, He not only took away yesterday's sins. He also took away today's too. And also tomorrow's! Isn't that incredible? And this extends to the stuff the stuff we haven't even thought about doing too! That means the debt of EVERY sin we will EVER do, has already been accounted for. Think of it as an open bar.
That doesn't mean sin all you want. I mean sin is definitely bad. I'm just saying don't beat yourself up over it.
The hardest part of all of this is actually forgiving yourself, and accepting that your debt of sin has already been paid. And acting as though you deserve punishment is like saying Jesus's sacrifice wasn't enough. So I guess we just need to start accepting that God loves us, and start receiving his love.
God's Love
"So hey Jon, I forgot to pray this morning..."
God loves you, okay?
"But I went to a party instead of my home group..."
It's totally cool man, God loves you.
"But Jon, I don't go to church any more. I mean I used to..."
It's alright, God still loves you!
"But Jon, I got so drunk last night that I don't even know what I got up to..."
Well... God loves you!
"But Jon, I'm addicted to all sorts of drugs..."
Hmm... well... God STILL loves you!
So if you still haven't got the point yet, God loves you. No buts : )
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Friday, 19 August 2011
Sunsets are beautiful
So yesterday I was walking a fairly usual route through the park and then I thought I would go up the hill (it's not really a hill...more like a mound and you can get up it in about 3 minutes) opposite where I was baptized in the river, somewhere that is very special to me and very beautiful, especially at sunset. I was just standing on the top of this hill and I could just see these incredible views all around me, i could see the river, the trees, then further off I could see a few of the fells and I was just drinking it all in as the sky just became more and more beautiful around me. For someone who needs green a lot and just spent the past year living in concrete Coventry it was just amazing, and so quiet and peaceful. I love the sky so much, it always amazes me, especially when I'm in Coventry, it's just like God is saying to me "hey, I'm still here, I still made all this for you and now I'm going to carry on presenting you with this incredible display of colours, clouds, sunsets, sunrises, rain and lightning. And I'm going to paint it right above you, so not even the biggest buildings can quite block it out, you can always see the sky." It just feels like this incredible gift to me, it's the most fantastic display of creation I can think of, things on the earth, mountains, streams, plants, and even living things, humans can try and replicate them and are sometimes successful and sometimes fail. But the sky is on a whole other plane, I don't think anything we can make can ever compare to anything as beautiful and continuous as the sky.
But my doggy was starting to get a bit impatient at the top of this hill, although she'd been really good up til then, sitting quietly by my feet, I am certain she can sense moods! So we started our way home, this is a route that I have walked for about 10 years, my house is on the west of the town so I was just walking into this incredible sky of colour and light, oranges, reds, pinks, purples, blues and yellows all tinting the clouds and the sky. And then it just hit me, this is exactly what walking closer with daddygod is like, as we get closer and closer to him everything just becomes more and more beautiful and filled with colour and peace, until eventually we're just part of that beautiful landscape. It was one of those moments that I just wanted to capture in my mind and share, it was perhaps an insignificant moment and yet it was a really significant to me. It was like I was hit afresh with what an amazing daddy we truly have, He's just so beautiful and loving and powerful all at once, there are just no words to describe how truly awesome He is. I just want to curl up on His lap and spend time with Him, in worship or just chatting through my day, my hopes, my silly worries and just soak up His presence.
This is the view I saw on my way home, it doesn't really do it justice but it's trying!
Life Shapes: Circle (Part 2)
"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" Matthew 6:26 (NIV)
An observation can happen at any point in our lives. You could be looking at a sunset, watching a movie or anything else. It draws attention to observe something with kairos (which is kind of like a critical moment). At this point, we should be asking why God is showing us this observation, at this moment.
After being drawn to an observation of something, we should be trying to figure out the meaning, the causes and values behind it all. Whilst observing, God speaks to us to reflect upon what we've seen.
"Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin." Matthew 6:27-28 (NIV)
The next thing to do after reflection is to discuss with others what you have seen. This may or may not come as a surprise to you but discipleship is not a private internal matter.
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33 (NIV)
As the name suggests, this part is about planning how to live life differently after reflecting and discussing the revelation. To effectively plan, there should be a vision for should happen next.
After planning, it is often helpful to tell somebody of our plans, and ask them to hold us accountable these plans. This means that they can ask us about any details within the plan, and also if we've followed through.
6) Act
"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock." Matthew 7:24 (NIV)
So after making a plan, and having someone hold us accountable to these actions, it only makes sense to actually do the thing! It is often so easy to make a plan, and forget to follow through, so this is the most important step!
After this step, the circle is complete! So quickly adding a few things:
Repentance is about discovering who God is and what He's like, and the implications for us who receive His love. In a way I guess it's a recognition of unbelief.
Believing is learning to live in the light of discovery, and walking day to day with God.
Repentance in one area of our life leads to belief that brings us to another kairos, another opportunity to repent ie continuous breakthrough!
Hope this is helpful to you!
Monday, 25 July 2011
Life Shapes: Circle (Part 1)
The circle of continuous breakthrough is based on the these words: repent and believe. So what does it mean to "repent and believe"?
Repentance is a change of heart and mind. Simply put, it is a process of transformation that takes place within someone. This is be broken down into three different parts: Observation, Reflection and Discussion.
Believing is active trust, or sure faith. Again there are three practical activities that are related to believing: Plan, Account and Act.
Put together, this is what it looks like:
The arrow going from left to right represents time. Where the line touches the circle, it represents an event, which subsequently leads to observation, reflection, discussion, planning, accountability, and acting. After this, the circle can either carry on following the line (after a breakthrough) or continue around the circle, until there is breakthrough.
So what does this look like in our everyday life then and how does it relate back to the Gospel?
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
We are an Ark
My eyes have not seen
My ears have not heard
What you have prepared for me
I can't comprehend
What you have spent
And you gave your life for me
I am an ark of your glory (repeat)
We are an ark of your glory (repeat)
You make your home in me (repeat)
This song is so powerful! I knew I had to find it again when I first heard it because I was hooked on the chorus "I am an ark of your glory." There's something so enchanting about this song, as it's a declaration that our bodies that God would live in us, just as He would be in the Old Testament, behind that veil because his glory was undiluted. They had to try rope around priests when they when behind for a face to face encounter with God the Father because they would just fall to the floor. That same glory behind the veil, we can have it too in us. The question is, how much do you want it? I know I want it bad!
Monday, 18 July 2011
Find My Own Flame
I don't want to ride on somebody else's passion
I don't want to find that I'm just dry bones
I want to burn with unquenchable fire
Deep down inside see it coming alive
Help me find my own flame
Help me find my own fire
I want the real thing
I want Your burning desire
Do what only You can do
In my heart tonight,
There's no better time
There's no better time
There's no better time
There's no better time
What I love about this song is that it's so simple. It's something I can relate to, knowing sometimes our faith can seem firmer than it is, because everyone else around us is hyped up. Every time I play this, I kinda see this as my prayer, that I can be stronger in my faith, and that my faith is the real thing.
Friday, 15 July 2011
Life Shapes
The first life shape is the circle for continuous breakthrough. I find that this is the shape that I use most often as the applications are limitless. The circle is a continuous cycle where one can look their current situation, and see how to get breakthrough in an area that one finds difficult.
The next life shape is the semi-circle of fruitful living. This shape is useful to understand the rhythm of life, and balance work and rest works in our lives.
The triangle of deeper relationships is the third life shape. As the name suggests, it looks at the deeper relationships we hold in life ie, the one with other Christians, the one with people who aren't Christians, and the one we hold with God/ Jesus/ Holy Spirit.
The square of multiplying life is all about starting new things. This shape looks at how Jesus called his first disciples from the start to being sent out, and how we can replicate this model. I mainly use this shape to look at cell groups (home groups) or cluster groups (bigger versions of cell groups), but it can be applied to other things, such as starting a new activity.
The last shape that I will describe is the pentagon of personal calling. This model is all about identity, and how you and I fit into the body of Christ. It also shows how the separate parts of the body work together. I often refer to this model as the five fold ministry, which will make more sense later.
About Us
So who are we? So there's Jon, he started the blog and then there's his girlfriend Emma, his best friend Pete and the lovely Beth. And Ed. Who is pretty cool. We will be posting teaching, worship songs, book and album reviews... we're not really sure what it looks like but here are some photos of us :) You can follow us here directly, or twitter if you prefer (@ourlifeisopen)