So this is just a list of books we have read, or would like to read that we highly recommend that other people should read too. Hopefully we'll keep adding to this list, and we will write short reviews about them (if you can click the book, there's a review):
The Shack - WB Young
Culture of Honour - Danny Silk
Mere Christianity - C.S Lewis
The Heavenly Man - Brother Yun
When Heaven Invades Earth - Bill Johnson
The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind - Bill Johnson
Face to Face with God - Bill Johnson
The Happy Intercessor - Beni Johnson
The Essential Guide to Healing - Bill Johnson/Randy Clark
Changed in a Moment - Randy Clark
Heavy Rain - Kris Vallotton
Basic Training for the Prophetic Ministry - Kris Vallotton
Spirit Wars - Kris Vallotton
Prophetic Intercession - Dutch Sheets
Prophetic Intercession - Barbara Wentroble
Purpose Driven Life - Rick Warren
There is Always Enough - Heidi Baker
Compelled by Love - Heidi Baker
The Hungry Always Get Fed - Heidi Baker
The Unquenchable Worshipper - Matt Redman
Crazy Love - Francis Chan
What on Earth is Glory? - Paul Manwaring
The Art of Mentoring - Darlene Zschech
The Annointing - R T Kendall
Total Forgiveness - R T Kendall
Storylines - Mike P/ Andy Croft