Wednesday 28 September 2011

A forest

Near where I live at home there is a forest. Probably very few people have covered its vast area and know it intimately. It’s a place that I like to go for walks, spending time with God and soaking up the surroundings. After all, what better place is there to have heart-to-heart with God, than the very turf that He thought up and spoke into being? I find myself at home among the wildness and yet warm invitingness of the place. Perhaps it’s partly the fact that both the forest and I were God’s idea. Each time I go I find new scenes; sometimes places I’ve been before feel new also, but many times I end up in a completely new area.

Despite beforehand, believing that there was nothing new to discover, today in my walk I found myself in many new places - one time staring out into a sea of different shades of green, tree trunks and branches curving and twisting like snakes with the warm brightness of the sun lighting up their edges. It seemed to carry on into the distance endlessly, just as the forest seems to have endless places to go and colours to see – greens, browns, oranges, yellows.

It is a good launching pad for God-time as the forest reflects His is wildness and endlessness. There is always a new place in Him; always a new colour or flavour; always a new sound to His voice to be found; always a new part of His heart to be discovered. Each time I visit that forest, at some point in that time I can’t help but thank God for making this place for me to explore and enjoy. And yet sometimes I forget it is there. Each time I wonder why I didn’t go there sooner, why I let everyday distractions or endeavours silence the call inviting me back. And oftentimes it is the same with God. Our own agendas and petty worries can muffle the sound of His call, inviting us back into His presence. Other times we think, just as I thought, that we’ve heard it all before, seen it all before and know all there is to know about our King. This couldn’t be further from the truth, as the funny thing about God is that when He gives you a glimpse of Himself, it’s so satisfying and mystifying that you are left always wanting more, and realising that you have only scratched the surface!

My encouragement today is, don’t be afraid to explore God. And if there is something in this world which you have discovered is like a way into His (like my forest), do it! For me, music is often another way in. Or it could be stories that open up your mind. Pictures, films or plays. Whatever you find draws you to into God and His world. Take advantage of it! But more importantly, take advantage of knowing Him!

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